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Get Spicy this Winter

  • 3 min read

Get Spicy this Winter

Winter is here! No matter how hard we try, sometimes we just can’t seem to escape those winter woes. On those blustery, bleak days, it’s not surprising we crave a warm hit of spice in our lives. And when it comes to spicing things up, there’s no better place to start than our OG fave spice. Yes we’re talking about the one and only cinnamon!

Cinnamon is a pretty impressive spice. It’s warming, aromatic and has a phenomenal history to tout. In Ancient Egypt, cinnamon was actually a highly prized ingredient where at a time was valued more than gold! It’s also got some insanely beneficial properties too including anti-inflammatory properties, high amounts of vitamin E and zinc and even its renowned blood-sugar-lowering properties.

Forget what you know about cinnamon of the past (we’re looking at you Big Red)… the cinnamon of today is sensual, evocative and mesmerically fragrant. Here are some of our favourite Cinnamon things that can help you turn your woeful winter into a whimsical wonderland. 

Gem’s Cinnamon Mint Toothpaste

Of course, our Cinnamon Mint toothpaste is high on the list of Cinnamon things we love! If you’re ready to spice up your dental game and take a stroll down the Silk Road, you’ll love this invigorating Cinnamon Mint toothpaste. This paste is the perfect combo of sweet and spicy. It tastes like a big bite of a fresh South Melbourne Market cinnamon doughnut, but still leaves your breath minty and fresh all day.

BYREDO – Chai Candle

Dreaming of a spice-filled retreat once restrictions ease? A hot cup of chai on a cold, winter’s day will have to suffice for now. Ben Gorham, the founder of Byredo Candles provides the ultimate blend of spices like ginger, cardamom and clove alongside black tea leaves to evoke magical memories of his grandmother’s home in India. As making memories in India is not possible at the moment, we’re happy to settle with bringing the adventure into our homes with this adventure to your dwelling with this fragrant Chai Candle.

This Is Incense Tasmania Incense

Not-so-much a candle fan and want to soak up a more intense aroma? Make this spicy and fragrant incense your go to this winter. Infused with exotic ingredients like clove oils and frankincense, This Is Incense will take you on a trip to Tassie, with a scotch in hand.

T2 Tea Gingernut Chai Loose Leaf Tea

Winter is that time of year that coughs and sniffles make their rude entry into your immune system. Take a stab at preventing those draining doctor visits by regularly sipping the Gem team’s go-to winter tea flavour, Gingernut Chai from T2. Ginger is full of antibacterial properties and has been a medicinal fave for centuries, whilst every sip of chai feels like a warm, hug full of goodness. Cheers to that!

“Spice up your love life” LBDO’s Essentials Bundle

Add a little bit of spice to the bedroom and get your senses screaming, with a sensual essential from LBDO. Warm yourself up and whip out the Essensuals Bundle with your significant other or even fly solo. No matter what you choose, this kit will spicify and take your senses to new heights this winter. 

Krispy Kreme Cinnamon Donuts

Treat yourself with the ultimate, original indulgence… we’re talking about the perfectly sweet, perfectly spicy treat-yo-self snack which is THE Cinnamon Doughnut. At Gem, we’re all about fuelling your body with good stuff, but believe balance is key. Just be sure to brush your teeth afterwards… you’ve got an oral microbiome to protect!


On a cold winter’s night, nothing screams “self-love” more than a steamy, hot bath. Whether you had a long day, a cold commute home from work, or you’re just feeling like a pamper night at home, give yourself the greenlight to unwind. Get transported by the warmth of a cinnamon infused bath bomb, calm your senses and soothe your mind.

Chef Na’s Green Thai Curry Paste

You know what they say, the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. Not to mention, there’s nothing more comforting than eating a hearty bowl of warm, delicious curry on a cold night. Give your tastebuds a little tingle and transport yourself to Thailand with Chef Na’s fragrant and authentic Organic Curry Paste.